asclepios medical institute

hair transplant using TRICHOLAB


The ASCLEPIOS Institute invites you to explore the hair transplantation of the future using TrichoLAB from FotoFinder.

Our role is offer our patients the best available diagnosis and follow-up. So we place leading-edge technology at their disposal: TrichoLAB from FotoFinder. This sophisticated tool deploys high-resolution imaging for precise analysis of scalp and follicular units. In-depth analysis is supported by artificial intelligence. This enables us to detect the areas of hair loss, the quality of the follicles and their density over a given area. Then we can offer a bespoke treatment plan.

Hair transplant planning no longer relies on estimates and assumptions, but is firmly based on scientific results!

Tricholab greffe cheveux strasbourg


The advantages of TrichoLAB from FotoFinder

The advantages of TrichoLAB from FotoFinder:

• complete, ultra-precise scalp assessment leaving no room for approximation;
• personalised treatment plan based on your specific needs;
• real-time monitoring of qualitative improvement in your hair density at the time of local grafts, with fibre thickness measurements;
• scientific planning of your hair transplant from the first consultation, assessing the number of available grafts depending on treatment objectives and deciding what treatment is feasible.

Hair loss is no longer inevitable. TrichoLAB from FotoFinder harnesses science for hair treatments.

Feel free to take advantage of this leading-edge technology. Arrange a hair consultation now and make sure your hair receives all the attention it deserves.

Asclepios medical institute in STRASBOURG

Consultations in aesthetic medicine in STRASBOURG

asclepios medical institute

The Asclepios Institute located in the Grand-Est, one hour from Strasbourg, Metz and less than an hour from Saarbrücken, a few steps from the citadel is located in the French town of Bitche and the department of Moselle.